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1 directional annotations


  • you want to add private comments to a slack thread for yourself
  • you want to privately annotate on a shared document from your team. e.g. google-doc


the current approach is to make these notes privately, and link the source in the note. e.g. use Obsidian to manage those notes.
And have a single place for all your private comments ideally.


There is no support for private notes in Slack (& some other apps)

There are no backlinks on the slack thread (unless I publicly post them) to my private external notes.


It’d be great if there was a plugin for Slack to view those private notes in Slack.
Or at least store a private link to my private note in Obsidian.

Ideally I would not have to search my notes, but could instantly see which threads have private notes attached.

Slack supports URL links to threads. We could have a database that gets the thread link, and links a note to it.

same concept¶

  • Google Keep lets you link private notes on shared docs in the google Workspace
  • annotate external files (pdf) & save comments in an .md file with the annotator Obsidian plugin. It has nice example GIFs.
  • Hypothesis review lets you annotate any website (private or public)


  • Similar to Obsidian private comments
  • Similar to Obsidian submodule, because we don’t want to share submodules with everyone.
  • similar to save quotes n lines, we reference external data that can’t reference back. (Sometimes even physical media like books)
  • Relates to add notes to explorer
  • The need for private comments is described in this google slides discussion, There’s no real solution but a workaround is to use copies of the slides.

  • Except for a plugin in every single app, to link to Obsidian. Are there other solutions? 🤔
    Maybe we can embed every app into another app, that keeps track of notes?

fleeting notes

look at fleeting notes, it has both a chrome extension & Obsidian plugin.
sync notes from the web (Chrome) to obsidian, and maintain a link


If linking to a specific line, what happens if the line changes?
let’s link to the whole doc, or thread for now.
