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Amazon FinSpace

Amazon FinSpace

Amazon FinSpace is a data management and analytics service purpose-built for the financial services
industry (FSI). FinSpace reduces the time you spend finding and preparing petabytes of financial data to
be ready for analysis from months to minutes.
Financial services organizations analyze data from internal data stores like portfolio, actuarial, and
risk management systems as well as petabytes of data from third-party data feeds, such as historical
securities prices from stock exchanges. It can take months to find the right data, get permissions to
access the data in a compliant way, and prepare it for analysis.
FinSpace removes the heavy lifting of building and maintaining a data management system for financial
analytics. With FinSpace, you collect data and catalog it by relevant business concepts such as asset class,
risk classification, or geographic region. FinSpace makes it easy to discover and share data across your
organization in accordance with your compliance requirements. You define your data access policies in
one place and FinSpace enforces them while keeping audit logs to allow for compliance and activity
reporting. FinSpace also includes a library of 100+ functions, like time bars and Bollinger bands, for you
to prepare data for analysis.

AWS analytics