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Art of giving feedback

feedback implies something is wrong with us. We want to be loved and respected.

Seeking feedback is better than being given feedback

Feels unhelpful because (p25)

  • Content
    • Understand what feedback means
    • See your blind spots
  • Person giving it
    • Don’t switch topic
    • Understand relationship, don’t blame
  • Question ourself
    • Ground perspective
    • Growth mindset

Types of feedback (p35)

  • Appreciation
    -> need emotionally
  • Coaching mentoring
    • Improve skill
    • Improve relation
      -> learn faster
  • Evaluation
    • Objective you are at this level
    • Sometimes with (positive) judgement
      -> know ourself, set expectations

the gallup survey asks 12 questions to score employee satisfaction


Appreciation should be

  • specific
  • Personalized

Appreciation type

- Money 
- Public recognition 
- Title promotion 
- Self confidence
  • Authentic
  • if not it has opposite effect. Every did a good job

Under pressure we focus on negative.
We’re appreciative but don’t say it.


  • Want different feedback type
  • Interpreted as different type

todo follow up if feedback is good
Ask if received enough feedback, how better
Feedback page private notion shared

  • Better feedback
    • Separate feedback type
    • Question purpose behind feedback