Blender addon
Blender addons can be enabled in File/Preferences, add-ons tab.
some helper functions regarding addons
import bpy
import addon_utils
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import logging
def is_installed(name):
"""check if plugin is installed, use plugin_name from manifest, checking folder name in addons"""
local_script_dir = bpy.utils.script_path_user()
local_addons_dir = Path(local_script_dir) / "addons"
return (local_addons_dir / name).exists()
def installed_plugins():
"""return list of installed plugins"""
# Blender names returned are from the operator, but plugin_name in the manifest refers to the blender folder name
# todo ideally we return a name thats useable in the pluggest install commands
return [mod.bl_info.get("name") for mod in addon_utils.modules()]
def enabled_plugins() -> list[str]:
"""return list of enabled plugins"""
# Blender names returned are from the operator, but plugin_name in the manifest refers to the blender folder name
# todo ideally we return a name thats useable in the pluggest install commands
return bpy.context.preferences.addons.keys()
def disabled_plugins() -> list[str]:
"""return list of disabled plugins"""
# Blender names returned are from the operator, but plugin_name in the manifest refers to the blender folder name
# todo ideally we return a name thats useable in the pluggest install commands
return [p for p in installed_plugins() if p not in enabled_plugins()]
def disable_plugin(name):
"""disable plugin by name"""
def enable_plugin(name):
"""enable plugin by name"""
def install_plugin(plugin_paths: list[Path]) -> bool: # todo , force=False, enable=True):
"""install plugin from path"""
# If the “overwrite” parameter is True, the add-on will be reinstalled, even if it has not been previously removed.
# manifest is named io_xray # but subdir is io_scene_xray # resulting in clashes. we cant just rename the subdir, might break code inside. # so we need to track the "name" with plugin_name in the manifest
# todo fix only support 1 plugin
plugin_path = plugin_paths[0]
if len(plugin_paths) > 1:
raise NotImplemented("Only 1 plugin can be installed at a time for now")
local_script_dir = bpy.utils.script_path_user()
local_addons_dir = Path(local_script_dir) / "addons"
new_plugin_path = local_addons_dir /
shutil.move(str(plugin_path), str(new_plugin_path.parent)) # copy plugin_path to local_addons_dir
# check if plugin folder was copied, by checking if any files are in new_plugin_path if not any(new_plugin_path.iterdir()):
logging.warning(f"Failed to install plugin {}")
return False
return True
def uninstall_plugin(name):
"""uninstall plugin by name"""
if not name:
logging.warning("No plugin name given")
def open_install_dir():
"""Open the directory where plugins are installed"""
local_script_dir = bpy.utils.script_path_user()
local_addons_dir = Path(local_script_dir) / "addons"