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Blender install editable packages

By default, an editable install to the user’s modules folder will fail to import.

Why this happens¶

  1. an editable install installs a .pth in the modules folder.
  2. The modules folder is not in the sitedir path, so .pth files are not processed.
  3. The solution is to add the modules folder to the sitedir on Blender startup

How to editable install a repo¶

  1. git clone to a folder, e.g. c:/repos/myrepo
  2. ensure it’s packaged with a .toml or
  3. choose one of the below methods to editable install your folder.

??? blender pip addon (recommended)
### blender pip addon (recommended)

1. install [Blender pip addon]( "Blender pip addon") addon
2. in Blender PIP, enter `-e c:/repos/myrepo` and click install 
  (don't use `"` for the path, not sure how to handle spaces in path)

3. done!

blender pip auto adds the startup script if not there yet.

manual (advanced)¶

Place following script in the startup folder. Blender will auto import it on startup.

Place in [[Blender]] startup folder, so user module paths are added to sitedir when Blender starts.
This enables `.pth` processing, which is needed for editable installs.
Without this, editable install to user module path won't work correctly.
import site
import bpy

user_scripts_path = Path(bpy.utils.script_path_user())
addon_modules_path = user_scripts_path / "addons/modules"
modules_path = user_scripts_path / "modules"

- run python -m pip install -e "path/to/file" --target "path/to/modules"
- You might get an error user and target are not compatible, in that case set user install explicitly to false. Default pip config in Blender sometimes has it enabled.
- Also read pass custom sys.paths to subprocess when manually pip installing.


  • Blender pip addon
    • support editable install for local repos by auto adding a script that handles site dir in startup folder (which likely doesn’t exist)
    • installing editable packages to a target directory doesn’t work since .pth files don’t live in site dir, see Blender install editable packages