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Geert Hofstede's model


  • Power Distance
  • Individual and Collective
  • Masculinity
  • uncertainty avoidance
  • long & short term orientation
  • indulgence

Power Distance¶

  • small power distance e.g. Sweden, call teacher by first name, no hierarchy
  • high power distance, e.g. China, teacher has lots of respect, strong hierarchy

Individual and Collective

  • individualism: how much you look out for yourself
    • direct feedback is appreciated
  • collectivist: look out for each other
    • direct feedback is frowned on


traditional gender & emotional roles
masculine country
girls cheer for boys
a double standard, 1 that applies to men, 1 for women
a feminine country is a more balanced
girl cheer for girls, boy cheers for boys
a single standard for both men and women

Uncertainty avoidance¶

high uncertainty avoidance

- conservative investment
- ads are based on experts

low uncertainty avoidance
- family live is fun
- risky investments
- ads contain more humor

long term orientation¶

if A is true, B can also be true.
save for tomorrow
live with inlaws

short term orientation
more respect for tradition
spend today
us & them in the workplace
don’t live with in-laws


immediate gratification

- loose
- smile
- important leisure time

restraint, regulated
- strict
- don’t smile
- more importance on work time
