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Maya print menus

Autodesk Maya supports both Qt & build-in functions to make menus.
the build-in functions are simpler, see

unimenu uses the build-in methods
Maya Python code to list maya menus.

def find_menu(name):
    gMainWindow = maya.mel.eval('$temp=$gMainWindow')
    # get all the menus that are children of the main menu
    mainWindowMenus = maya.cmds.window(gMainWindow, query=True, menuArray=True)
    for menu in mainWindowMenus:
        if menu.lower() == name.lower():
            return menu



Bob White 
Depends on what and where.
But if specifically trying to query items in the default menus you usually need to execute their on-first-open command (can’t remember the actual name for it)

Bob White
But basically all menu’s are empty at startup until you click around

once i have a menu or menu item it’s easy to get the children.
but how can i get that first menuitem. use case is add a submenu to an existing menu in code

Bob White
for some reason I thought you could use postMenuCommand to query the command and then run it. But it doesn’t have the query flag in the documentation.

I don’t have a copy of Maya in front of me, but you can probably dig the command out of one of the mel files in maya, and basically query the menu, if it doesn’t have children yet, run the command, and then work with it. 

Travis Evashkevich!
I wish QMenu had an easy way to get the children from it, as you can just get the QMainWindow of Maya, get menuBar and that gives you all the menus from the looks of it, but yeah finding the children is a pita..

Bob White 
Children don’t exist yet, at least not until you’ve opened them once.
Maya’s startup would be all the slower if it didn’t defer some of those

Bob White
Plus plugins loading etc…

Shea Richardson
If it is a qmenu there is .actions
And if the action has a menu, it’s
Or something like that?
Our menus are pure Qt
So that is how we access menu items

Travis Evashkevich
Ah that’s interesting, I hadn’t thought about .actions being the .children

get all maya menu commands, source

from maya import cmds, mel
menu_items_and_their_commands = {}
for menu in cmds.window(mel.eval('$temp1=$gMainWindow'), q=True, ma=True):
    menu_items_and_their_commands[menu] = {}
    for item in, q=True, ia=True) or []:
        menu_items_and_their_commands[menu][item] = cmds.menuItem(item, q=True, c=True)