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Unity local manifest issue


Unity loads the UPM project manifest to decide which packages to download and install.
If you use source control for your project (e.g. git), your manifest will be included, and any local changes show up in git as changes to submit.
Whenever you pull an update or change branch, and there was a change to the project manifest, a merge conflict will occur.
So there’s currently no way to have a local manifest with user packages installed.

Local user override¶

Installing all packages for a project is like installing all apps for your team on everyone’s computer. Coders also get the art apps like Photoshop and Maya, and artists also get visual studio.

A better approach is to only install what you need. This reduces install time, and empowers teams to create their own tools. If a tool is broken, only that team is blocked, instead of everyone in the project being blocked.
Otherwise non-dev teams won’t be allowed to submit their own tools without slow reviews from the dev team, in fear of breaking the project for everyone.


The challenge is to still allow pulling changes in the manifest while maintaining local changes. A basic merge is not sufficient usually, and requires to much technical knowledge, so can’t be used by e.g. artists.


Create a local package that adds other local packages

create 2 files

  • shared-manifest.json (included in the git repo)
  • local-manifest.json (excluded from the git repo)
    Then have a script run in unity, check if any changes happened to either files.
    If there was an update, e.g. user changed branch and checked out an update, a merge is run.
  1. Support addition. Local manifest only adds additional packages, it does not override shared manifest settings.
  2. Support override, e.g. changing the package URL to a local URL for dev purposes.

Other solutions¶

Manual tool assisted merge¶

A solution tried in the past is a merge option in Unity.

  1. press “ready to merge”, a backup of the local package settings is saved, and the project manifest is rolled back
  2. change branch, a manifest update is pulled
  3. go back to unity, click continue merge, a merge happens to restore the project manifest, adding the local changes back
    this requires to much work on the user. User forgets to use this and has a bad auto merge, or is confused by the steps or merge conflicts.

Android manifest¶

The android manifest might support local edits.


  • Forum thread complaining about lack of multiple manifests (2017)
  • Thread on use multiple package sources, can you use a local source to work around this issue?