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Unreal Python cheat sheet

see docs

get all Unreal actors in scene

import unreal
actorSub = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.EditorActorSubsystem)

# get all actor names
names = [x.get_name() for x in unreal.EditorLevelLibrary.get_all_level_actors()]

blog getting_started_with_python_in_ue4

  • Enabling the plugin
  • Python in the editor
  • Adding your own scripts
  • Autocomplete in VS Code
  • Importing assets
  • Managing blueprints

Unreal outer

docs unreal assettools to dynamically create assets

Python tutorial to batch move assets to a new folder. A simple short intro on the basics but not much else.

thread that discusses adding components with python dynamically, solution for blueprints.

Unreal Python