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Unreal dynamic create UMG


this was my reply to this tool


you can create unreal UMG dynamically without c++

in python you can access the widget tree following way

  1. duplicate your userwidget from the template to make a new userwidget, and pass it to the next method
  2. load the root node
    see unreal.load_object:
    first arg is the object’s outer, second arg is the object’s name.
    import unreal
    # given our user widget, we load the widget tree inside, which is a child of the user widget
    widget_tree  =  unreal.load_object(userwidget, name_of_widgettree)  
    # given the widget_tree, we load the rootnode, which is a child from the widget_tree
    root_node = unreal.load_object(widget_tree, name_of_rootnode)
  3. add children to and save the userwidget.
    (this only works in unreal 5, not yet got it to work in 4)

Unreal Python
Unreal Motion Graphics