Commitment signs

  1. The behavior is actually related to something about commitment.
    1. e,g, someone says i want to raise a child with you, instead of i want you to have my baby
  2. The behavior is under the control of the one doing it—whatever it is.

    1. e.g. they choose to marry you, it’s not spur of the moment
      - signals contain more information when a person has options.
      • couples who have been together a while, with an unclear future, and who also have the constraints that come from living together, may have difficulty reading clearly in each other what they want for the future.
  3. Small sacrifices can be good signals of commitment.

    • small, day-to-day indicators that a person is willing to put their partner or relationship first
    • mutual sacrifice: A healthy relationship includes two givers,
    • examples
      • Your partner will change his or her schedule at times for you.
      • Your partner will do fun things that you know he or she does not like as much as you do.
      • Your partner shows up early to help you get ready for some big event.
      • Your partner stops what he or she is doing to tune into something that’s stressing you.