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  • Morphs and bones can be combined, it’s not just 1 or the other. E.g. bones for body, morphs for face
  • If no further customization & deformation is needed, the deformation can be baked to the mesh.
  • deciding when to use morphs or bones depends on the needed flexibility, performance, and quality. It can be different for movies, different games, or NPCs vs hero characters.
  • bones blend between layers, morphs add layers

Bones = cluster animation¶

Tends to be heavier on the CPU, calculating more bone transforms
Lighter on GPU & memory


  • doesn’t require 1-1 vert match, supports different models more easily
  • better for sharing animations across a large number of unique characters
  • rigs can be LODded for better performance


  • less fine control, e.g. for mouth corners
  • max bone count per vert might be higher than needed, resulting in performance loss
  • Scaling bones can be bad practice, so you might not be able to “scale up” a mesh with bones unless you have a complex bone setup. e.g. a bigger belly requires multiple bones near the belly to be moved outwards
  • creating a rig is more complex than a morph

Morph = vertex based animation¶

Tends to be heavier on the GPU & memory, storing more vertex data, and animating it on the GPU.
Lighter on the CPU


  • great for expressions & customizations
  • allow full control in artist hand, so often used in animation e.g. Pixar
  • great for different bodyshapes, e.g. a bigger belly
  • creating a morph is easy, and can be done by the artist.


  • Don’t use morph targets for models that are a single shape for the whole body; amateurs love making that mistake. This is a game engine, not a Disney Pixar production environment for offline rendering.
  • requires 1-1 vert count match between source & target. so can’t be reused between different meshes
  • morfs need to be saved in the mesh, taking up more memory
  • morfs can’t be LODded, LODs would need their own morph


  • A crowd of 1000 people (meshes)
    1000 rigs and animations is more expensive, than a single vertex shader combining all 1000 people in 1 drawcall, with a prebaked animation in the morph.
  • Creating the Art of ABZU uses rigs to animate, then bakes the animation to blendshapes for use in game. To avoid using rigs in game for better performance. A vertex shader animations the animals.

Deformation watch out for

  • Doesn’t always work nicely with LODs

  • discussion thread