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Discover a garden's essence


You walk around in a maze in a digital garden. Behind every corner you take you find a note, but none of them resonate. The author crafted a garden so big, you don’t know where to start. Leaving you lost.

Digital gardens often are a collection of random notes. It’s great if you know what subject you are looking for, but what if you just discover a garden that looks interesting, but you don’t know where to find content you want?


The now note is a good concept to tackle this, showing the most active interests of the author.

A visual graph also solves this, letting you see the biggest most connected nodes.

I also like the popular pages, that show the most read / visited pages.


I discovered this nice PKM, but I don’t know where to find the authors core interests. Eventually I discovered one of their projects, which is clearly something they put a lot of time in.
The author has a changelog, which wasn’t easy to find. But it’s manually updated, and therefor outdated.

Example done well: A blog with both a popular, best articles, and latest page
see most popular

PS: this is less about note taking and more about publishing said notes.
