
It seems bad relationships lead to infidelity, instead of the other way around.
This means that when you consider infidelity, look at yourself and your relationship and try figure out what’s wrong.


  • Decline Before Infidelity: Both victims and perpetrators experienced a gradual decline in well-being before the infidelity. For perpetrators, this might lead to starting an affair. For victims, feeling their partner’s dissatisfaction might make them more likely to be cheated on.

  • No Steady Recovery: Unlike other negative events, people didn’t steadily recover after infidelity. Small improvements were seen, but overall, neither victims nor perpetrators returned to their initial well-being levels.

  • Commitment Affects Recovery: People highly committed to their relationship suffered more after infidelity, while less committed individuals sometimes felt better. Unfaithful women often recovered well, possibly because their affairs addressed relationship dissatisfaction.
    I guess men are just horny instead?

  • Impact of Secrecy: Negative effects were stronger for perpetrators who kept their infidelity secret compared to those whose infidelity was known. Disclosure of infidelity might help couples address relationship problems.