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Interwikilinks plugin

What if wikilink to other websites just worked?
Currently it’s only local vault files.

turns out this exists already.
it’s named interwiki links, see wikipedia entry
doesn’t work by default: Wikipedia:Main Page [[Wikipedia:Main Page]]


during wikilinks batch script note-link-janitor
we register a list of websites, then we can use wikilinks logic.

  • detect if is in the URL, if it is, look for last bit in URL /name of file
  • and reverse: if you get a wiki link, and it doesn’t live in your vault.
    register in a list, and then obsidian will download a index list from, and detect [[name of file]] in there.
  • Note: clashes are unavoidable, in that case prioritize top result in your list. e.g. both vaults have a note named overview
    Good habit could be name of site encoded in your wikilinks title. or some unique ID Zettelkasten style.


solution 1

changing all link behaviour in obsidian seems tricky.

  • support : and change link behaviour
  • change backlink behaviour
  • change link expand


  • we now allow dupe names for notes. doing this in the same vault creates issues. change name behaviour
    • WORKAROUND: give all notes a unique GUID, existing plugins

solution 2

maybe we can use [[othervault:note]] to launch a second obsidian and open the new vault.

  • no issues with dupe name
  • still no backlinks & all other link behaviour
  • need to setup plugins for every vault. (or use symlink)

test:test images


ref for an alternative backlink plugin
might make sense to instead of edit the backlinks plugin, make a new one.
then we can render a section for “vault links” underneath the default backlinks

(local) interwiki table

each vault has an interwiki list, stating which inter-wikis/vaults it accepts and what their sitename is, which is used in the wikilinks [[sitename:link]]

we can replace a URL in HTML/CSS with the matching obsidian URI to open a note in another vault. we need a interwiki table to resolve the links.
see Markdown post processing to change how a Markdown document is rendered in the Reading view, can we also change live-preview?

global interwiki table see Global interwikis


A test case for Obsidian

instead of copying notes such as URI, we should be able to point directly to [[wiki:URI]], which then points to
saving me the time of looking this up on wikipedia.

reference logseq

logseq supports interwiki links using app URI, see PR
logseq://graph/<graph name>?page=<page name>
It works, but it’s not as neat as [[graph:page name]]

could we do something similar in Obsidian ?

interwiki links