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Learn technical art

so you want to be a technical artist

What to learn¶

  • how artists work and how to do their work
  • how devs use the work from artists
  • technical work that artists don’t do
    e.g. shaders, hooking up game logic
  • fix (technical) problems & bugs
    e.g. discover & fix game-logic, shader issues …
  • automate work
    e.g. exporting, validation
  • communication skills
    • documentation
    • planning
    • meetings
    • 1 on 1 assistance
    • community
    • educating your team

you don’t have to known all these fields, the fields needed for your job are different for every job, and depend on the studio you join.
Some fields can even be dedicated jobs on their own
You can learn a few fields thoroughly, or try all fields at the same time.

How to learn¶

the goal of a TA is to bring value ASAP

generalist vs specialist in Indie vs AAA

tech art skills to learn¶