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Minimize pkm image size

I try avoid using images in my notes due to their large filesize.
I don’t want to end up with a repo that’s several Gbs. Ideally it’s pure text & vector image and is just a few Mbs big.


  • For now I convert to jpg, and scale down if needed.
  • I really ask myself every time, do I need an image?
  • I link to images online
    • disadvantage is that I am hotlinking
      • some images go offline, my notes suffer from link rot


  • notes miss context without images
  • notes will degrade because of hotlinking


The quality of my notes could be better if I added a quick sketch.
- [ ] how to add lots of image, without introducing issues with reposize on git
- [ ] vector screenshot
- [x] figure out a way to sketch vector art
vectors tend to be smaller than pixels.
Excelidraw does this well, see Excalidraw test embed. image is only a few kb.
- how to handle images in the git submodules
- It would be great to control my own data instead of hosting it on social media. store my photography on a server, instead of on Instagram. This would let me link to my own personal images to write a diary connected with my pictures.
- requires a significant time investment figuring out the logistics and infrastructure
- the same reason I haven’t yet sorted out backups of my camera pics.
- it reduces the social element, friends that see what you did. social media is a great way of connecting to people. updating them with your lives. I used to be against social media but have noticed increased social connections thanks to it. By posting achievements and fun events. And keeping real life for true connections, bad things that happened.
