My note naming convention

file names

  • lower case (except for names & abbreviations)
    • Try to use consistent upper cases for names, e.g. Obsidian instead of obsidian
    • If in doubt, use the casing from the programming module, e.g.
      plugget uses import plugget, and pip install plugget. We never use Plugget with capitals. So IMO it makes more sense to brand it with lower case.
  • spaces between words, instead of dash or underscore (makes things more readable)
  • start related notes with the same word if possible, e.g.
  • use the full word as note title, and alias the abbreviation (except where the abbreviation is so common the full word is never used, e.g. URL)
  • everything in 1 folder, (read why i decided on reducing note folders)

note content

  • use wikilinks
  • place all images in image folder

my digital garden dev
my notes
naming convention