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Note link janitor

note-link-janitor is a batch script to add backlink at the bottom for all wikilink in a file of markdown files.

The original version from Andy Matuschak dropped support, so I made a fork with some fixes.

Github action¶

note-link-janitor can automatically run in a CI pipeline such as GitHub actions.


Adding the following to your .yaml GitHub workflow will run note-link-janitor.
I’ve got it setup to run on the build files, never on the source!

 # run janitor on markdown input to create backlinks

 - uses: actions/setup-node@v2
      node-version: '16'

 - uses: actions/checkout@v2
     # use fork to support subfolders
      repository: 'hannesdelbeke/note-link-janitor'  
      ref: stable
      path: 'note-link-janitor'

 - name: install yarn in janitor workspace
    run: |
        cd ${{ github.workspace }}/note-link-janitor
        yarn install
        yarn run build

 - name: Run Note Link Janitor
    run: ${{ github.workspace }}/note-link-janitor/dist/index.js ${{ github.workspace }}/docs

 - name: Remove Janitor folder
    run: rm --force -r note-link-janitor

Sample use cases¶

I use note-link-janitor to auto create backlinks from my markdown files in Obsidian.
This enables me to use MkDocs to create a site with backlinks from my notes.

In case of updates ensure we don’t break dependencies


  • No backlink detected for this note, but it’s on this page but with a different name. todo

alternatives¶ this might replace janitor