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plugget Unreal

bring plugget to Unreal

startup code creates

dev notes¶

  • slow on Unreal startup.
  • pip freezes Unreal
    LogPython: Successfully installed PySide2- detect-app-0.0.2 plugget-0.0.12 plugget-qt-0.0.1 shiboken2-
  • if we do keep the upgrade, document that this freezes the app.

  • good install instructions

  • auto pip installs plugget & dependencies

install seems to silent fail
clone seems to fail
where is it installed in unreal?

uninstall plugget
install plugget from local dev


installing plugget_qt as editable.

  1. pip uninstall plugget_qt
  2. clone plugget_qt locally
  3. editable install plugget_qt
    AFAIK if version changes need to reinstall?

other option: edit PATH
this let’s you swap without uninstalling