The urge to write notes for everything

Today I wrote a lot of notes. But I expect I wont read most of them again unlike my usual productivity notes, e.g. on programming.
Today I am quite tired because of a hang over, and I’ve noticed that being tired often leads to fake productivity. Being busy but not getting much done

I think perfectionism, the same reason discussed in not finishing books, is why I want to write down all my thoughts and discoveries. And why I struggle to stop writing a half written note, and just drop it.

This is not an effective use of my time, but it’s fun.

  • I write because I want to write.
  • It gives a sense of achievement
  • I feel a sense of contribution, imagining that people are positively influenced after reading my notes. It’s Interesting that I feel this even if nobody would ever read my notes.
    • e.g. They read something that emotionally resonates with them.
    • Or learn something from reading my notes.
    • I think that maybe someone will one day read these notes.

Fake productivity. I’m busy creating things, even if those things don’t matter.

It does however improve my writing skills, so it’s not a complete waste of time.

I likely won’t even reread this note myself, so why am I writing it? It is more like journaling, like therapy, than note taking. But maybe it will remind myself or someone else to stick to minimal notetaking, or maybe I just needed the journaling today. And this wasn’t a waste of time.

note taking