Cube Link

Language Javascript
Game Engine Unity
Software Photoshop, 3Ds Max
Platform PC (Steam) , Android (Google Play)

A puzzle game I developed on my own. I did all code, art, leveldesign and soundeffects. The goal is to connect all tiles of the same color, without disconnecting previously connected tiles. The gameplay is based on the original flowbased color connect genre but adds the challenge of 3 dimensions.

Coding achievements:
  • Level-editor in Unity
  • Saves your progress locally and on the Steam cloud
  • Steam achievements (integration with the Steam API)
  • Tutorial system that can be easily set up per level
  • Recursively check adjacent tiles to detect connected colors (similar to A* path-finding)
  • Localized (translated) with the help of several people online
  • Positive reviews on Steam and Google Play
  • Dynamic UI changes with resolution (supports mobile, web and PC)